Explore our selection of leg products


We offer a wide range of products such as leg supports and compression tights to meet your needs. Our products are designed to provide optimal protection and comfort. Explore our selection of products and find the perfect solution for your legs today!


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8 products

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Kompressionsbandage - Komforten
Kompressionsvadskydd – Vadskydd med Kompression för Smärtlindring - Komforten
Lårskydd med kompression - Komforten
Lårstöd - Komforten
Save 160 kr
Kompressionsstrumpor för Löpning, Graviditet, Lymfödem och Stöd - Komforten
Stödstrumpor för Vardagligt Bruk - Komforten
Stödstrumpor med Kardborreband för Vadstöd - Komforten
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TENSKomforten™ EMS Massager för Muskelstimulation - Komforten

Choosing the Right Support Based on Leg Issues

Choosing the right leg support can be crucial for alleviating pain and improving your quality of life. Here are some common leg issues and which products may help:

  • Sprains and Strains: To provide support and reduce swelling, compression bandages for injuries can be an excellent choice. They help stabilize the area and speed up the healing process.
  • Joint Dislocations and Fractures: For more serious injuries like joint dislocations and fractures, rehabilitation compression bandages can provide necessary support and protection during recovery.
  • Heavy Legs: If you often feel that your legs are heavy and tired, travel support stockings or compression tights for circulation can help improve blood flow and reduce discomfort.
  • Swollen Legs: To manage swelling, compression bandages for edema or calf sleeves for pain relief may be effective. These products help reduce fluid retention and alleviate pain.
  • Restless Legs Syndrome: For those suffering from restless legs, everyday support stockings or recovery compression tights can provide relief by improving circulation and reducing discomfort.

Remember that it is always best to consult a doctor or healthcare professional before starting to use a new product, especially if you have an existing medical condition or injury.

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