Explore our selection of thumb supports


När du söker efter tumstöd eller skena, letar du troligtvis efter produkter som kan ge stöd och skydd åt din tumme. Detta kan vara på grund av skador, kroniska tillstånd som artrit, tumortos eller som en förebyggande åtgärd under fysiska aktiviteter. På Komforten förstår vi dina behov och erbjuder en rad olika tumstöd som kan hjälpa till att lindra smärta, förbättra rörligheten och stabilisera din handled. Våra produkter erbjuder även kompression för ytterligare stöd.


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2 products

Tumortos och Tumstöd med Skena - Komforten
Tumskydd för Artros och Sport - Komforten

When to Use a Thumb Support?

Using a thumb support can be very helpful in various situations. Here are some examples:

  • Injuries: If you have injured your thumb, such as through a sprain, a thumb support with a splint can provide extra support and protection, helping to relieve pain and promote healing.
  • Chronic Conditions: For individuals with thumb osteoarthritis or other chronic conditions, a thumb support can provide relief from pain in the thumb and discomfort while offering support to improve function and alleviate pressure on the base joint of the thumb.
  • Preventive Measures: If you regularly engage in physical activities that may strain your thumbs or spend long hours at the computer, a thumb support can be an excellent preventive measure. It can also be helpful for skier's thumb.

Benefits of Thumb Support

Using rehabilitation products like a thumb support can be very beneficial in many different situations. Here are some examples of when you might benefit from using one:

  1. Comfort: Many thumb supports are designed to be comfortable so that you can wear them for extended periods without discomfort.
  2. Improved Blood Circulation: By providing compression, a thumb guard can enhance blood circulation in the thumb, promoting faster healing and recovery.
  3. Muscle Relaxation: It can also help relax the muscles in your thumb, relieving tension and stress.

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